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Kodak GOLD 200 is a medium-speed daylight-balanced color negative film offering a versatile combination of vivid color saturation, fine grain, and high image sharpness. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24° along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or three stops over to enable working in a wide variety of lighting conditions. Additionally, due to the fine grain structure, this film is well-suited for scanning or enlarging your photographs.


Store unexposed film at 21°C (70°F) or lower in the original sealed package. For extended periods, store film at 13°C(55°F) to preserve consistency.

Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)

SKU: Gold-35-36
PriceFrom € 10,54
VAT Included


    Nico Fink

    Belvederegasse 30/1
    1040 Vienna




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